Getting started with Jmeter on mac OS - Introduction

1. Check java is installed on your system

Goto Terminal ( Cmd+space -->terminal)

Java - version

If not installed, Install from

2.Install JMeter

Go to :

Check for latest JMeter version and respective java version installed

Apache JMeter 5.4.3 (Requires Java 8+)

select binaries and download

Wait Till the installation complete

3. Unzip the file and place it in any folder(eg:Tools)

4.check for bin folder


4.Goto Terminal ( Cmd+space -->terminal) and change to bin directory

cd /Tools/apache-jmeter-5.4.3/bin 

5. Type "sh"

Now Jmeter will get started 

Now close the  JMeter by  clicking on close button or CTRL+C on terminal.


5.In terminal, Type "clear"

java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar

It will Open the JMeter 


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